Young adults

How to enrol +

Insight School of Art's classes for young artists bring together children who enjoy art and see it as an important part of their life. The classes are a fantastic opportunity for young people to improve their artistic skills and knowledge in a safe and friendly environment with expert guidance.

Students who attend classes are shown how to make successful paintings and drawings using professional materials and techniques through twelve different practical workshops each term. Classes include guidance on observational drawing; painting skills and technique; abstraction; demonstrations and valuable information about relevant artists from history.

Skills developed by at the Insight School of Art will positively affect the level of artwork produced in school and satisfies the requirements of the National Curriculum and exam boards.

All teachers who are responsible for childrens classes have experience working in schools and have had up to date criminal records bureau checks. At least one classroom assistant with experience in teaching or producing art will also present in each classes.

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Click here to view paintings by children at Insight School of Art.