Portrait Painting and Drawing in Whetstone, North London

Life Drawing classes, North London

Drawing from life is thrilling, rewarding, fully absorbing, and arguably the most useful method of developing one’s observational drawing and painting skills. It is about learning to really look hard, and record what you see, in a considered way.

Insight's life drawing and portraiture classes can be attended in person, or over Zoom by purchasing a Zoom Pass. Students who book a place in the studio also receive a free Zoom Pass. Zoom Passes allow access to all three Zoom sessions each week. More information about joining in over Zoom can be read here.

Life drawing and portraiture classes at Insight, whether attended in the studio or over Zoom, are suitable for people of all abilities, with no previous experience required. Our models, and the format of each session, change each week, with a mix of short and long poses. There is often a specific focus to each session, presented by the teacher, looking at the work of other artists and through demonstrations.

Insight’s 1000+ square foot studio in Whetstone is one of London's largest studios for life drawing. Whether making work for a portfolio or purely for pleasure, Insight is a great place to come for life drawing.

In the studio, dry drawing equipment, easels, boards, paper, model fees and refreshments are all included in the price of the course. Students who wish to bring paints or their own surface to work on may do so. Students attending over Zoom might like to start with a pencil and sketchbook, but experiment with working larger and in a range of materials as they gain confidence.

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